Poem Samples
The Perfect Rhyme

To the man of my dreams on his special day:
Where should I start?? I have so much to say!
You reach any goal you set out to aspire
You are my star and the one I admire
For 2/3 of your life, we were each by ourselves
Of your 36 years, I've been there for 12
I look forward to saying on birthday one twenty
That we've been together 8 times as many!
Today 36 sweet, healthy years you mark
Wishing abundant brocha as on the next 144 you embark
You're my world, my love, my joy and my pride
May the gates of the heavens open up wide
To shower you with clear and obvious good
May you be highly productive like only you could.
Lechaim! Of this year's accomplishments, you will be proud you will rock 36! Now I say out loud
Thank you for being and for crowning me wife
I hope we're together for a good long life!
To my dear big sister Malka,
It's hard to believe
your bas mitzvah is here,
I have a few words
that I'd like to share
Please don't roll your eyes
at your cute little sis
I have brachos for you
that you don't want to miss!
But first let me mention
how much I enjoy
All the hand me down art stuff
and clothing and toys
What more could I ask for,
a true role model you are
If I follow your steps
I know I'll go far
So Malka today,
as you step up your game
And go from girl to woman,
I'd like to proclaim
That you should be showered
with abundance of good
Get more stuff to hand down
like a big sister should
May your mazal shine bright
May your choices be clear
May you always remember
There's only Hashem to fear
I'm always behind you
I'm watching you grow
That I love and admire you
Please always know
Mazal tov Malka,
You're on the right track
I'm taking notes
So I'll know how to act!
I'm Mendel Goldberg
A boy after girls
The time's finally here
To cut off my curls
That will make room
For my yarmulka to sit
Snug on my head
No clips...it will fit!
I'll get to wear tzitzis
At my sides they will sway
Proudly, like a big boy
The bracha I'll say
When my party is over
And I have my new do
I'll look like my Tatty
Peyos like a proud Jew
It's all so exciting
I'm growing so fast
Come help make my hair
A thing of the past.